We are a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to working with the most vulnerable and marginalized families in Santa María de Jesús. Our work focuses on providing values-based education, fostering personal development, and contributing to the improvement of their health and housing.
We facilitate the integration of children from large families with limited resources, who would otherwise not have access to formal education. Regardless of age, in our organization, they have the opportunity to start their learning journey and, if they wish, continue it with the support of scholarships, aiming to forge a path to professional success.
(June 15, 2005):
- Construction Begins!
(2010 - 2011)
- Registration as Educational Center
- First Achievements
- Basic Level
- Building 2
- Response to the Pandemic
- Activities
Clinics for the benefit of our students and entire families
Primary level students
Pre-primary, primary, and basic
That transforms lives
For our students and their families
Medicine and immediate medical attention
Our volunteers: Agents of change, committed to education and progress in Santa María de Jesús. Join the cause.
Your cash donation transforms lives. Join us and together let's build a better future for Santa María de Jesús. Every quetzal counts.